Camera interface - Config: Security tile

This tile manages access to your camera.



Here you create and edit all users for the camera.

The page opens to a list of the available accounts, listing their user name and their type. Use the buttons to add or delete a customer, modify their permissions, and change their security questions.

When you click Add, the camera opens the Add User dialog.

At the top, click Enable to activate (or suspend) the user, and Web Login to allow the user remote access.

Set the user's name and password, and select a user type. The user type is an informal classification; it just changes which permissions a user has selected by default.

Finally, in the box at the bottom, select which permissions that user has. Each user can have differing permissions.

When you click Modify, the camera opens the Edit User dialog, which is almost identical.

Finally, when you click Security Question, the camera opens a dialog in which the user can select three security questions to verify their identity.

Online User

This shows which users are currently accessing the camera. You can press Kick Out to eject them from the system.

Block and Allow Lists

This page lets you block IP addresses, keeping out scammers, ex-spouses, etc.

When enabled, use the radio buttons to select whether you want to block addresses (allow every IP unless specified) or allow addresses (block every IP unless specified).

To add an address, enter it in the box at the bottom, and click Add. Click an address in the lists and click Delete to remove it.

Click Save when finished.

Security Management

Security Service tab

Enable "Illegal Login Lockout" Function limits the number of times a single IP can attempt to log in to the system. After that limit is reached, that IP cannot log in again for several minutes.

Enabling Trigger Email opens a dialog where you can list recipients to be alerted when an illegal login is detected.

Logout Time sets a time limit after which any user is logged out and must renew their access.

Password Security tab

Here you set expiration times for passwords based on how strong they are. These settings apply to all passwords on the camera.

Select the level in the top dropdown, and the expiration time in the second.

Click Save when finished.

Authentication tab

This determines which method the camera uses to authenticate remote logins.

Click Save when done.